Video Perspective Improves Coaching

Coaching is a process of evaluation, intervention and feedback that will lead to an improvement in performance, but before the advent of affordable endzone cameras, evaluation and feedback was very much based on a coach’s own subjective observations of a game or a practice, rather than hard, unbiased evidence that an endzone camera will provide. Without an endzone camera, the effectiveness of performance analysis will depend on the coach’s memory and studies have shown that even professional sports coaches can only recall 59% of the key moments of a game accurately.

With the advent of affordable video cameras and the increase in the availability of affordable endzone camera systems from manufacturers like Hi Rise Camera and Hi Pod, more and more sports coaches at all levels are turning to endzone video technology to provide them with an unbiased and objective view of what happened during a practice or a game. Here’s how a Hi Rise Camera system perspective can be used to improve coaching.

Accurate and timely feedback
Accurate and timely feedback is essential at all levels of sports and endzone camera footage can provide instant feedback, as well as feedback that can be viewed later numerous times. Video feedback needs to be used with care, though, because while the experienced player may gain major benefits from detailed analysis of their performance, a less experienced player may need more encouragement than criticism.

Pre-match analysis
Coaches can use a combination of data and video footage taken from an endzone camera to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of opponents before a game. This can help prepare the team for a match and it can help the coach to formulate the best strategies and focus pre-match training on the areas that can be used to exploit the weaknesses of the opposing team.

In-game analysis
Footage taken from a Hi Rise Camera endzone camera system can be used during a game to refine strategies and to analyze performance. This can give a coach and objective view of the game that could be vital to the in-game decision making process.

Post-game analysis
Post-game performance analysis is made far more effective with the use of Hi Rise camera footage, because the evidence is there for all to see. As well as providing valuable feedback for the player, post-game analysis will also help a coach plan future training.

Psychological analyses
It’s not only the physical aspects of a game and the strategies that were employed that can be analyzed by endzone cameras, Hi Rise Camera footage can also provide insights into a team’s commitment, focus and motivation as well. Coaches can also use videos of good performances to inspire a team and increase confidence.

Strength and endurance analysis
Analyzing endzone camera footage can also help coaches assess the physical fitness and endurance of players and then tailor training plans for individual players to help them meet the demands of a particular position.

Evaluating practice time
While it’s easy to measure the total length of time that a training session takes, what is more important is how much of that time was actually spent in skills training and practice. The use of endzone cameras can help a coach identify where the available training time is being used for the maximum benefit and where disruptions to training are eating up that valuable time on the practice field.