Endzone camera systems are now a common sight at sports events and even the smallest league teams are making use of video coaching systems, but there are still a lot of teams who haven’t yet invested in the technology. Some coaches are making do with handheld devices to take video footage of games and some coaches are yet to be convinced that video should play and important part in the development of a team. If your team is still “making do”, here are some of the reasons why the lack of good video footage could be putting your team at a distinct disadvantage on the field of play.
Lack of planning
When we talk about the use of video footage in sports coaching, we should not only be talking about footage of your own team that you might take from an endzone camera system, we should also be talking about video footage of opposing teams. Watching footage of opponents can help both the coach and the team prepare for the coming game and formulate strategies to cope with the strengths and exploit the weaknesses of an opposing team. If you haven’t got a professional looking video of your own games to trade, other teams might be reluctant to share their footage with your team.
Lack of inspiration
Video footage of other teams and players, both professional and amateur, can provide a team and individual athletes with inspiration and new ideas. Watching top players can give teams something to aspire to and encourage them to train and play hard every time they go onto the field.
Game and practice analysis
Hi Rise Camera footage can be played back, paused, played back again and reviewed in fine detail, over and over again, to assess exactly what went right or wrong in a game or a practice. If you are not using video footage to review games and practices, you are relying solely on memory for analysis, and your memory is not as reliable as you might think.
Athlete development
When a coach is watching a game or a practice, they have to try to keep their eyes on everyone and that will mean that they can’t afford to focus too much attention of one specific athlete. Using endzone camera systems like Hi Rise Camera means that coaches have me time to assess individual athlete’s performance and help athletes develop by setting targets for them and by giving them more personalized advice.
Team development
The high angle video footage that can be obtained from a Hi Rise Camera endzone camera system will make it much easier for the coach to explain the team where mistakes are being made and where positioning and plays can be improved. Without a video camera tower, any video footage that you do have of games and practices will be severely limited by the fact that the camera is rooted firmly at ground level.
In-game strategy changes
You could be losing out during games as well if you aren’t making full use of video technology. If you use an endzone camera a system, the coach can view the game as it unfolds and see the whole field of play and that will allow the coach to call for strategic changes that will help the team defend against the strengths of an opposing team and exploit their weaknesses.
In today’s highly competitive sports, having the latest endzone camera technology undoubtedly provides a team with an advantage over their opponents and that is why all the top professional teams use the technology. If your team does not currently have an endzone camera system like Hi Rise Camera your team might still win games, but you and your team might not be able to fulfill your full potential.